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Immunizations and TB Compliance

Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MenACWY) Requirement

The Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MenACWY) is a new requirement for students entering college in the state of North Carolina. Students need to have received at least 1 dose of a Meningococcal ACWY vaccine after their 16th birthday.  If you received a dose prior to 16 years of age, you will need to get a booster.

Who does this requirement apply to?
  • Students enrolled for their first semester in Fall 2024 or later, AND
  • Were born after 1/1/2003
What happens if I don’t have the vaccine?

Since this is a new requirement, compliance will not be enforced until January 2025.  That means you have the rest of the year to either 

  • Submit documentation that you have received the vaccine elsewhere, OR
  • Get vaccinated
What happens if I do not get the vaccine by January 2025? 

Students who do not meet NC State immunization requirements will initially have a hold placed on their student account preventing them from registering for classes.  North Carolina law requires NC State University to drop them from all classes if compliance is not met within 30 after the first day day of class, or in this case, by 1/29/2025. Registration will not be reinstated until immunization requirements are met. The re-enrollment fee is $150.

North Carolina Immunization Regulations:

North Carolina General Statute 130A-155.1 requires individuals attending a college or university to receive certain immunizations. NC State University students are required to provide copies of immunization records and complete an online TB Questionnaire. If a student does not provide proof of immunization, North Carolina law requires NC State University to drop them from all classes. Registration will not be reinstated until immunization requirements are met. The re-enrollment fee is $150.

North Carolina Law requires that you submit proof of your immunizations to Campus Health no later than 30 days after the first day of class.
*Enrollment in only online classes does not qualify you as a Distance Ed. student. As such, students whose classes are all online are still subject to the required immunization compliance. If you have a question or concern regarding your immunizations or immunization status please send a secure message to our immunization coordinator via the HealthyPack Portal or call 919-513-4302.

Exceptions to North Carolina Immunization Regulations:

Regulations do not apply to students living off campus AND:

  • Students classified as “distance education” or “unclassified;”
  • Students registered in off-campus courses only;
  • Students attending night (courses beginning after 5 p.m.) or weekend classes only; or
  • Students taking a course load of four (4) credit hours or fewer.

Exemptions to North Carolina Immunization Regulations:

  1. Medical Exemptions for immunizations are granted upon submission of a Medical Exemption Statement Form (DHHS 3987) or a Physician’s Request for Medical Exemption (DHHS 3995). Forms require a signature by a physician licensed to practice medicine in North Carolina.
  2. Religious Exemption

These forms can be found on the North Carolina Health and Human Services website

Obtaining Proof of Immunizations

There are four ways to meet Immunization compliance:

  1. Immunizations given in the state of North Carolina will (in most cases) automatically be imported into your medical record. You should check your HealthyPack Portal to ensure all requirements are met.
  2. You may request immunization data from states other than North Carolina be imported into your medical record using the Importing Out-of-State Vaccine Data instructions. Please note, this option will not work for vaccines received in AK, AR, HI, NH, ME, VT, DC, or internationally.
  3. Manually submit immunization dates and upload immunization records using the steps below.
  4. Schedule an appointment with your local medical provider, Campus Health, or attend one of our immunization clinics to receive required vaccines.

ALL students must also complete the TB Questionnaire. See Step 2 below for detailed instructions.

For any required immunizations that have not been imported into your record, you should enter the dates you received your immunizations and upload documents into the HealthyPack Portal using the steps below. If you do not have your immunization records, we suggest that you check with your personal physician, county health department, previous college or university, or military branch. The NC Department of Health and Human Services has additional tips for tracking down your immunization record.

Accepted Forms of Immunization Documentation Include the following in PDF or JPEG format:

  • Health Department Immunization Record
  • High School Transcript or College/University Record
  • Military Record
  • Physician Office/ Clinic Office with signature and address or official stamp
  • NC or other State Immunization Registry Records (if not electronically imported)
  • NC State Immunization Record Form with signature and address
  • World Health Organization International Certificate of Vaccination

Manually Submitting Immunization and TB Requirements

Step 1: Enter dates you received your immunizations and upload documents into the HealthyPack Portal.

  1. Log into the HealthyPack Portal with your Unity ID and password
  2. Choose ‘North Carolina State University’ from the drop-down menu
  3. Select the Immunizations Tab
  4. Select the disease you were immunized for and the type of immunization listed on your records.  Enter the dates you received the immunization. Once all dates have been entered, select Submit.  
  5. You will be routed to the Uploads page. Choose Select File next to the item you are uploading.  Most items will be uploaded as an Immunization Record. 

You will receive messages via the HealthyPack Portal from our Immunization Coordinators after they have completed a review of your Immunization documents. It is important to check your HealthyPack Portal periodically so you are aware of your Immunization compliance status. To view your messages once logged into the HealthyPack Portal, select the Messages tab to view your inbox and follow any directions in these messages.

Please Note: You can send a message to the Immunization Coordinator by selecting “Compose New” and choose Immunization Coordinator from the drop-down menu. 

Step 2: Complete REQUIRED TB Questionnaire

  1. Visit the HealthyPack Portal
  2. Choose ‘North Carolina State University’ from the drop-down menu
  3. Log into the HealthyPack Portal with your Unity ID and password
  4. Choose the ‘Forms’ option
  5. Complete the TB Questionnaire and submit it online

Please Note: The Immunizations Coordinator will screen the answers to your questionnaire and notify you via the HealthyPack Portal if any additional steps are needed. 

TB Testing Requirement

You are required to have a tuberculosis test if one of the following applies to you:

  • You are an international student from a high-risk country
  • You are a non-U.S. citizen from a high-risk country
  • You have traveled to a high-risk country for more than one week within the last 6 months

List of high-risk countries for TB testing requirement

All tests must be administered by an NC State University acceptable medical facility within the 12 months preceding the first day of classes. Testing can be in the form of a PPD (Tuberculin test) or blood test (Interferon Gamma Release Assay, “IGRA”).

PPD readings must be stated in mm in-duration. A “nil” or “negative” result is not acceptable. We do not accept the results of PPD tests completed in medical facilities outside the United States. Blood Tests outside of the United States are accepted and must include reference range on the document. If you decide to have TB testing at the Campus Health Center, and have health insurance coverage under the University-Sponsored Health Insurance Plan, your health insurance policy will cover the cost of the test if given after the effective insurance date. If you need this test done please call 919-513-4302 to make an appointment once you are on campus.

Step 3: Complete the Health History Form so we have information about your medical history for reference should you need services at Campus Health.

  1. Visit the HealthyPack Portal 
  2. Choose ‘North Carolina State University’ from the drop-down menu
  3. Log into the HealthyPack Portal with your Unity ID and password
  4. Choose the ‘Forms’ option
  5. Complete the NC State Health History form and submit it online

Contact Immunization Department

If you have questions or need assistance, please check your secure messages on the HealthyPack Portal or call 919-513-4302. Please note Campus Health is open year round to administer needed immunizations once you arrive. You can make an appointment to receive immunizations at Campus Health once you arrive on campus by calling 919-513-4302.

Obtaining a Copy of Your Immunization Record and Retrieving Uploaded Immunization Documents From the HealthyPack Portal (For Current Students Only)

To obtain a copy of your immunization record:

  1. Access your HealthyPack Portal and select the ‘Immunization Tab’
  2. Select the print button immediately above the tabs for entering immunization dates
  3. An immunization record will display and you can download/print this document for reference

to retrieve a copy of uploaded immunization documents:

  1. Access your HealthyPack Portal and select the ‘Upload Tab’
  2. Scroll down to ‘Document Already on File’
  3. You may download/print the documents you uploaded. These documents will not display until you have completed the download/print process